How I'm Prepping for my Cut Flower Garden In February + Amazon Garden Must Haves

Feb 20, 2024

It's Mid February and I am wrapping my head around all the tasks for my cut flower garden this Spring and sharing with you so you can prep too! Click HERE or the image below to get started with everything you need from Amazon.

Shop My Gardening Must-Haves 

This will be year 5 of my cut flower garden endeavors and I like to say that I have a very low brow style garden - meaning it's not fancy & very beginner friendly. So, if you're looking to get started for the first year, I'm your gal! Follow along HERE.

4 Things I'm Doing Today to Prep For My Cut Flower Garden --

1. Checking my last frost date for my zipcode. To see when it will be safe (on average) for me to start planting flowers outdoors. You can do this with a quick Google search of "last frost date by zip code".

2. Working backwards from that last frost date to map out my seed starting schedule. For example, a safe last frost date for me is April 28 (zone 6A) and I tracked backwards from that to find the date of when week 4, week 6, etc will be when I want to start flower seeds. Look at the back of your seed packets for information on when you should ideally start seeds. 
**(of note, you can direct sow most seeds directly in the ground after risk of frost is gone, that you found the date of in step 1, if you prefer to not seed start)

3. Ordering my seed starting supplies - the entire list of products is from Amazon HERE.
I will be seed starting on a workbench in our shop, so I am using a clamp on style grow light, HERE.
I grabbed an outdoor plant marker, sharpies fade off in time (I've learned the hard way) + plant labels HERE.
Lastly I grabbed the seed starting cells HERE. Hoping this will be enough for me, if not, I'll grab more.

I'll also need to grab soil once I get started. I don't think I'll need a heat mat because our shop is heated, but going to wait and see. I added a mat option, another style of grow light & more into my list HERE.

This is my first year I'll be officially starting seeds indoors, so I am a total rookie, and if you are too, we can figure it out together. I'll keep sharing as I go on both Instagram & TikTok - @rootsoutwest in both places.

4. Saving plastic jugs for Winter Sowing - basically these will act as mini greenhouses outdoors and I can start seeds in them without having to put them under grow lights. See more on that in my Instagram Highlight HERE.

DM me on Instagram if you have any questions or leave a comment on this resource - I'm happy to help answer any questions I can!

Join my Free Facebook Group HERE to partake in weekly Garden Club Chats 

+ Year Two Cut Flower Garden - what I grew, winter sowing chart, & frequently asked questions HERE
+ My First Year Cut Flower Garden - my wins & fails and a list of resources I found helpful HERE 

Shop My Amazon Gardening Favorites HERE


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