Weekend Wrap-Up: Part 1

Nov 15, 2011

Friday evening consisted of working a small event then heading home to cozy up on the couch with my cousin for a movie night. Pizza+Movie+Comfy Sweats+Good Company.

Saturday morning looked a little bit like this for me.

Then I tried my hand at thrift shopping. Striked out again. I then salvaged the afternoon by making these granola bars that I discovered on Ashley's lovely blog, Turquoise and Teale.

{The aftermath....}

Then I had some good bonding with a bestie out for drinks.

Sunday consisted of going to a brewery tour {more on that later} with friends from home. Then home for a night on the couch watching Serendipity {love that movie}. Then an early bedtime to prep for a hectic Monday.

Serendipity-a fortunate accident.


  1. ooooh! Those granola bars looked delicious...and then i clicked the recipe and saw they were PUMPKIN chocolate chip! I started drooling. Thanks for a great recipe!

    Check out my blog & giveaway at:

  2. Yes, they are delicious. I just entered your giveaway. What a climb on the followers!

  3. The pumpkin chocolate chip bars look so so yummy!!!!! Thanks for sharing the recipe!!!!

    xoxo Denise



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