One Word :: Gratitude

Jul 8, 2015

Earlier this year my friend asked me, "If you were to focus on one word (or mindful act) this year, what would it be?" I contemplated quite a few, but kept coming back to one :: G R A T I T U D E.

Life has a way of beating us up and wearing us down- It's easy to focus on the struggle and forget all the reasons we should be happy and grateful. I try to maintain a positive outlook, but for the past 2 years my life circumstances have made happiness hard. One thing I always remember is: we've all got bruises. I love this song, Bruises - by Train and Ashley Monroe. Sometimes I find it sad and other times I find it comforting.
Regardless, I'm doing my best each day to focus my mindset on the many reasons I should be grateful and not sad.

I'm linking up with Ember Grey and focusing on a grateful heart. So my tip is:
When you are feeling as if your struggles outweigh your blessings, take a moment  for mindfulness.
Take a few deep breaths, be mindful of your blessings,  make a list and post them where they are easy to see- I bet you will surprise yourself with how many you come up with!

Grateful Heart w/ Ember Grey

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  1. I love this. It's so important to be grateful for the good moments in our lives and I'm lucky to have a friend like you in mine!

  2. Mindfulness - YES. That was the word my husband chose for 2015 :) So glad you linked up, Jess!


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