Weekly Bits v.25

Sep 4, 2015

Read :: Summer Rental - Mary Kay Andrews
Loved that book! I would probably say I enjoyed Save the Date a bit more. Now I just started Eight Hundred Grapes and am also listening to The Beach House by Jane Green. Emily sold me on the idea of getting into audio books.

Celebrated :: Emily's birthday at O'Bar
My second time, love it!

Thrifted :: This retro dresser
Can't wait to style it in my guest room, something like this. A full post on my thrifting adventures coming soon.

Pinned :: Dining Room Images
This is my pinterest board that got the most love this week.

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  1. I hope you are enjoying your audio book! I've added Summer Rental to my reading list.

    1. I am enjoying the concept! You'll like Summer Rental.


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