Stay Hopeful

Jan 11, 2016

I received a Lokai bracelet from my aunt this weekend. Maybe you've heard of the concept ::

The white bead carries water sourced from Mount Everest, the highest point on Earth.
The black bead holds mud from The Dead Sea, the lowest point on Earth.

Sometimes you're on top. Stay humble. 
Sometimes you've hit a low. Stay hopeful.

I love the concept and had been wanting one of these.

For my low-- We had some really cold weather and snow this weekend in St. Louis. As a result I'm without water in my house and have been working to find the issue/source of the problem for the past two days. Home-owning at it's finest... Luckily my cousin lives close and is a plumber so he's working to right the situation. I'm working to stay hopeful and keep my mindset in check.


  1. I'm a big fan of these bracelets! Hope you have water today!

    1. Me too! Any jewelry with a meaning is a win for me!

  2. Oh my word!! This is gorgeous. Beautiful photo!! I love and believe in the meaning of stones and such...very powerful. Such is the mind.


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