Weekly Bits - 12 of 52

Mar 25, 2016

:: Friday Five ::

1. Feed Love - @thegirlwiththegoldhome
Seriously, this feed is my favorite to browse for home decor + inspiration

2. Inspiration - Farmhouse Table 
These are some looks I'm pinning for styling inspiration

3. Reading -  Yes, Please on audiobook
I started reading Wildflower because it was on my spring reading list, but it just wasn't for me, so I swapped it for this book, and I'm already a fan!

4. Easter- Banner Printable
Perfect for your holiday gatherings

5. Refreshing- 26 Pick Me Ups That Everyone In Their Mid-20s Needs To Hear Right Now
Explore new things. Live in the now. It is okay if you are lost.

Thought of the week---
{referencing the article in number 5}

What pick me up would you add to the list?

Me : Break out of your comfort zone.

You: ?


  1. I'm loving this post! I followed her insta and I'm obsessed with farmhouse designs, hello fixer upper!!! And I've "listened" to Yes Please and I laughed so hard I cried a few times. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks! Yes, so many great boho designs from her insta and I also adore Fixer Upper. Amy is so funny. I like listening to it so I can hear her read it in the way she intended it to be read. :)


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