Introducing the Roots Out West Newsletter

Jan 12, 2021



I've felt the pull to add an e-mail newsletter to the mix here at Roots Out West for a while now. I wanted a way to write to my community and connect, outside of social media. A place people can stay in touch who don’t have Instagram (hey mom!)or maybe prefer not to check it regularly.


The timing just never seemed right for a launch. If I started a newsletter, I wanted to be sure I could keep up consistently with it. Well. I’ve decided the time is NOW. My newsletter will be launching on Friday, January 29th.

What can you expect from my newsletter?

A once a month dose of my Friday Best. I’ll send out one e-mail on the last Friday of each month.

In years past I would do Friday blog posts here and there with the bests from the week – this could be life happenings, recipes, quotes, books, local events – anything really. The last Friday Best blog post I wrote was a year ago now, you can read it here. 

So, now my plan is to write a similar round up monthly and share it in newsletter form. It will basically be like casual girl talk with me. I’m excited to write and share in this way. If you’d like to opt in to receive my e-mail newsletter you can subscribe below.


If you have any topics or questions you’d like me to cover, send me an e-mail to rootsoutwest (at)


Cheers, friends!

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