Gratitude Journal - What I'm Grateful For

May 9, 2016

"Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation." - Brian Tracy

Remember my gratitude journal? I wanted to pop in and log a little list of things I'm grateful for in this moment. I encourage you to stop today and take a moment to do the same for yourself. It truly is a mood booster. 
  1. This space I call my own on the interwebs and the outlet + sense of community it provides.
  2. Grace and Frankie -  this funny Netflix original kept me entertained when I was being a couch potato on Sunday.
  3. My momma - she keeps me sane
  4. My job - it has given me the means to provide for myself and purchase my first home.
  5. Margaritas & Coronas - they are really hitting the spot lately
  6. Plants + landscape - my happy place
  7. Spotify - I love jamming to their curated lists {my top 5 favorites right now}
  8. Inspiration - I love saving quotes + images that inspire me, my board of inspiration
  9. Iced coffee- a must
  10. Sunny days - sure to leave me with a smile on my face

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