5 Things to Try This Month -- September

Sep 1, 2016

Another month & another list of things to try. Each month I gather a list of 5 things to do -- This list typically includes places/events for St. Louis locals to try, general DIYs, adventure ideas and maybe a new read. If you're new to these lists, you can catch past ones here.

1. Unplug over Labor Day Weekend
Toss the phone aside and be present with your family & friends during festivities- You won't regret it. Promise.

2. Attend Lou Fest!
This will be my first time and I am pumped to experience all it's glory!!

3. Host a first day of Autumn Party
I'm thinking of having a few friends over -- Fall tablescape, pumpkin + Oktoberfest beers and maybe chili!

4. Create an end of summer bucket list and make it happen
What is still left on your to-do lists? Making poptails is at the top of my list! I also want to get in multiple fishing trips!

5. Head to Cedar Lake Cellars' September Music Series
Cedar Lake Cellars is one of my favorite local wineries, I'd like to get out there this month and listen to live music while sipping some Vignoles by the water. If you aren't local, head to your favorite winery to soak up the cool, late Summer weather!

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