Thursday Ramblings

Feb 9, 2017

I like these ramblings posts (aka brain dump), so here we have yet another --to-do's, musings, faves, what have you' no particular order --
  1. Make a pack list for CO trip
  2. Complete the bf's val day gift
  3. Feb goal = style my living room as part of my 2017 Intentions
  4. Getting the itch to buy + pot new plants, maybe one with a face
  5. You can catch me in the bridesmaids line-up here
  6. Needing to make progress on Scrappy Little Nobody for my book club
  7. Love, love, love my new shower curtain (shop it here)
  8. I need to get caught up on my 52 happy lists
  9. Just scattered some joy & have more up my sleeve for the month
  10. Tried a fudge brownie iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts. As expected, it was way too sweet.
  11. This bralette is the BOMB
  12. Posts in draft form =
  13. 2016 Christmas + NYE Re-Wind /Word of 2017 / Book Club / STL Restaurants Expanding / 2017 Reading List / Roots / Portland Re-Cap / Concert Re-Wind (LANco + Brothers Osborne) / A weekend in STL / Thrifting
  14. Potential new cities as the 2017 candidate =
  15. Palm Springs, CA / Phoenix, AZ / ___, WY / ___, UT / Austin, TX
  16. Bachelorette Party To-Do's-- make a Mrs. swag bag / book hotel / order shirts / collect snacks + sips /  buy decor
  17. These posts are more for me than you (hey, whoever "you" are)
  18. Things currently making me smile - new air plants, new stickers for my planner, scattering joy, that my stomach bug went bye-bye, 1/2 days at work, sweet gestures/texts, poshmark sales & earnings
  19. Valentine's vibes - blush & rose gold
Have a great Thursday!


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