September Rambles

Sep 4, 2019

As expected, life has been extra busy lately with the birth of our twinsThere is a lot less time for everything...household tasks, time with my husband, errands, everything..things look a lot more,.shall we say.."lived in" here in our home. It seems I can only ever partially finish a task, so our house definitely reflects that in this season of arms full of babies. Some days I'm okay with it, others I struggle to give myself grace. Regardless, the baby cuddles are worth it and we truly can't believe these sweet little blessings are ours to keep.
Since I don't have the time or mental capacity to sit and focus on any of the posts that I truly want to get is a little posts of ramblings to let you know what i tumbling around in my mind and to let you know I'm still here and missing this space.
+ I am certainly welcoming Fall around here. I talked about having to sit this past Summer out, so I plan to make up for it with Fall. I told my husband I'd really like to fully maximize Fall decor since I'll be around on maternity leave to enjoy it more. So, items that I have purchased to add to the mix have already made their way up in the sense in storing them away.
+ one year married!  I still plan to share a full wedding day recap here on the bog, I sadly just haven't set aside the time to do so yet. All the other wedding recap posts were leading up to the big day. Stay tuned.
+ Speaking of blog posts...others I want to finish + share here :: a bit of our twin girls' birth story + a full intro, a post on living within your means & simple abundance, a recap of our baby showers, photos from our maternity session & our newborn session.....
+ My Mom and I have an Etsy shop (as most of you probably know by now) and we are working on some fun things - a re-brand that Jess with union shore is designing for us (!!! - she also designed my roots out west rebrand), a new local partnership to sell our products in their shop, and a maker's event at Long Row Lavender this Fall. It's been fun to flex some creativity again with my Mom to prep for all this.
+ pumpkin cream cold brew - this new Starbucks drink is hitting the spot! so good..since I have newborn twins & live 30 mins from a Starbucks, I bought the ingredients to attempt this copycat version

that covers my rambles for now. have a great week and I'll be back when I can get some time to share the posts I mentioned!

1 comment

  1. I can't wait to see what you do with your decor this fall! And I am so glad you posted about your Etsy shop - I have been meaning to order a sleeve forever, and just did!


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