Friday Five

Mar 9, 2012

{1} Caffeine Crawl. I won two tickets via twitter to attend this event tomorrow. Quite excited.
{loving this graphic}

{2} Schlafly Oyster and Stout Festival. I went to this festival at a local brewery last night and had oysters for the first time ever. The event included: a great beer selection (I had a everything from a pale ale to an oatmeal stout. Read about their beers here.), fresh oysters, live shucking, and even an oyster shucking contest. It opens this weekend, so if you are in the St. Louis area you should check it out.
Fresh oysters from different regions

Live shucking

Later in the night I took a tour down to the beer cellar where they store the beers and tasted some beers sgtraight out of the tanks.

{3} Beauty Balm. After seeing Jenna's post about it I have been obsessing and think I am going to Sephora on lunch.


{4} Cowl Scarf. It finally got chilly enough for me to wear the cowl scarf my mom made me. Love casual Fridays.

{5} Bake. Ashley posted a recipe for Cranberry Oat and Honey Bread the other day. I have all the ingredients in the cupboard, so I plan to bake it this weekend.

Happy Friday. I hope you have exciting (or relaxing) weekends ahead of you.


  1. That Caffeine Crawl sounds awesome! And let us know how the beauty balm turns out. I've been curious about it.

    1. I'll definitely let you know. I have read reviews and they seem good. I'm eager to try a new product.

  2. I love your scarf and hair! Also, my husband would have LOVED to have been at the Schlafly thing last night. He loves the beer and oysters!

    1. My ponytail hair? Ha, thanks. You guys should go to the festival this weekend. It was delicious.

  3. Hmm that scarf looks CUTE and familiar ;)

    How were the oysters???

  4. A caffeine crawl? That sounds amazing!


  5. It's always chilly enough to wear a scarf. ;) Especially in Southern California.

  6. I love that scarf! And what is beauty balm?! I'm going to google it pronto!

  7. I am in love with that scarf. The Caffeine Crawl is making me crave a Coke.

  8. That's a fabulous scarf!! Looks like such a fun event!!! I just found ur blog it's adorable, I signed up!! I'm new to blogger check out mine if you can!

    Xx Kelly

  9. that bread looks delicious! and i love oysters. i at first hated them, but got used to their "gooeyness".

    p.s. that scarf is so pretty. especially since it's handmade.

    A Southern Drawl

  10. Mmm!!! I have been craving oysters, badly! Thanks for following happy to meet you :) great blog! XO brynn


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