Weekend Vibes - Wedding Shower + Natalie's Bachelorette

Jun 5, 2018

This weekend was the first of June & it was jam packed - as most Summer weekends tend to be.

First up - Friday was my official last day as a Maryland Heights homeowner. I ran to my home at lunch to give their agent a key, grab the lockbox I rented..and I just so happened to meet the new owners! They wanted to personally thank me for the gifts I left and so we all got to say a quick hello - they were an adorable, young couple!! I hope they have lots of fun memories + moments in my old home. No more, #SeeJessNest for me. Now it's on to Home Sweet Shouse.

That evening my boss held a wedding shower for Danny & I at his home. We spent the evening playing yard games, eating BBQ and hanging out.

Rock + Danny doing a celebratory shot of fireball (super grainy, but eh).

My co-worker Jane has gotten so into woodworking and built us this custom bench. Love it! It's going to be moved and eventually paired with my shiplap coatrack thing. We've dubbed her shop Blooming Daisy Designs.

Saturday - Party like a Pineapple - Natalie's Bachelorette

We ended up with great winery weather - it started out a bit questionable. She wanted us bridesmaids to wear floppy hats - so I got this one at Target.

A fun picture of a chunk of our group 

A fun group pic of us cousin's

My cousin Sarah & I

Seriously the cutest darn bride to be
After the winery we went to Friendship Brewing and ended the night at Maggie Malone's with a live band.

Sunday was spent checking out of the hotel, making my way back home and mostly relaxing. I found that the Cattleman had assembled our new nighstands and started washing/putting away wedding gifts. Such a catch. 
It was a gorgeous day outside so we front porch sat for a while and both of his brothers popped over for farm stuff...then we popped by his parents and I went to grocery shop. We meal prepped a bit on the grill and tried to get to bed early.

Now on to another week and this weekend we are heading to the lake for a 30th celebration. Busy busy!


  1. What a busy weekend. I honestly think I would need a weeks vacation (ALONE) just to keep up with everything you do on the weekends. Do you think you would do a recap of the major changes that you will have to adapt to following your move to the "country"? I mean I am sure that your access to starbucks and whole foods/trader joes will be much reduced. Also, I'd love to know if it's difficult to live in the country after living in the city.

    1. I too could use a week long vacation to catch up on my life as well - ha - it's tiring! We are in such a busy season with no signs of a slow down - so we are embracing it! Those are good post ideas. Currently I still work in a city area so I'm close to all those things (or they are on my drive to/from)...but if you read my post that just went live - all that is changing..then country life will really sink in.

  2. Oh my, so many things to say:
    -Fireball is the only alcohol I will willingly take shots of (that is, if I already have a few drinks in me) so bravo there.
    -That bench...STUNNING. I know you're going to make it look so pretty in your home.
    -How cute is the bride's jumpsuit? Omg, love.
    -All that white dishware though... so, so pretty.

    Sounds like an awesome weekend! xo

    1. Lots of goodness indeed. Natalie is always adorable. Cannot wait to style up that bench!!


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